Experience God.
Find Community.
Fulfill Your Purpose.
It is rare to go to a Church on the first visit and it feels like home but at Family of Faith Ministries that is the norm. We are a nurturing, loving environment that knows the importance of making everyone feel welcome.
Are you looking for financial
growth opportunities?
You may be under the impression where you are is where you are supposed to be, but what if we told you the best place to be is wherever you chose to be. The only expiration date on advancement is death, as long as you have breath, you are capable of going further. Advancement Academy is filled with desired courses with quality Instructors that want to see you succeed. Click the button below to enroll today!
Pinder Award
The Munroe -Pinder Leadership Award intends to preserve the memory of Drs. Munroe and Pinder, and their commitment to education, civic duty and achievement through providing annual monetary assistance to well-deserving students.
The Munroe - Pinder Award is a merit-based scholarship that identifies 12th grade and freshman undergraduate students who demonstrate inspirational, innovative, and initiative-driven leadership impacting their academic, work, or community environments.
This inspiring book written by Apostle Ricardo A. Dean was designed to uplift and help you seek clarity for some of life's challenging tasks. Apostle spent intimate time with his Lord and Saviour when this book was written.
"Every page is pregnant with wisdom and insight and I enjoyed the mind-expanding experience of reading each exciting page of poetry and quotes. I admonish you to plunge into this ocean of knowledge and watch your life change for the better as you experience the power of Reflecting."
-Dr. Myles Munroe
“To be a people who experience and manifest the promises of God and who practice the principles of his Kingdom”
“To Love God, Love People, Make Disciples and Expand the Kingdom”
Family is the vessel God uses to transport and transmit his principles and practices through time. Your contribution of time, talent or treasure is anticipated and welcomed. Can be used somewhere else.